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Mykar impatiently brushed Ewok fur off his trousers.

"I take it that's 'hello' in Ewok?" he said to Jhok.

"You need my ship,” he said turning his attention back to the new arrival. “What are you offering in payment? This is a working ship...not a pleasure cruiser."
He eyed the Dug.

"You got any skills?"

Malcom's focus was still on Johk's sudden shift in attention away from the conversation but after a moment he replied to Mykar's question.

"I used to be a detective on Coruscant. Now I'm a bounty hunter without a ship. You figure it out."

After Malcom realized he basically growled his response, he looked to Mykar.

"Sorry. I'm a little on edge. I'm at your disposal if you can help me get to where I need to go. I'm not the greatest mechanic but I can pilot a Ghtroc if need to. I'm good in a fight and better with a blaster. I don't know what you and your crew do but I'm willing to pitch in where you need me.”

Mykar appraised the newcomer for a short time.

"Fair enough. Stow your gear."

With that, he spins and heads up the gangplank.

"Let's go people. Plop and top is done."

"Forks...warm her up. We're skids up in 10."

The droid whirred and bleeped, his smooth round head spinning around.

Choe felt it best not to interrupt the Dug during her conversation. His curiosities could be sated later. The human that had joined the group since he had left, had his attention now.

"We should not be discussing business in the tunnel. Please bring our guests back onto the Shady Lady where we can entertain them and offer them a modicum of security."

Choe stood at the ramp motioning everyone to come back to the ship. Sometimes he really wished he traveled with a protocol droid to handle these simple details.
Feeling Mykar was uncomfortable but not mad at the Ewok's hug, Jhok moved to Lott’s leg to see what he would do.

Choe was at the gangplank as Mykar gave the word to stow and go. He appreciated the efficiency of the Shady Lady's pilot. As the crew filed on, Choe made a note to follow up with Bulraba the female dug later, and stowed that note on his datapad.

As Malcolm moved toward the gangplank, a very smartly dressed Choe stepped in front of him and forced out an electronic palm scanner.

"Everyone here is registered and documented. Except you. You want on board the Shady Lady hand over your bios. Hand print and retinal scan will be sufficient. Thank you."

On Choe's, belt Malcolm noticed a device that looks like a small visor.

Malcom smiled.

"I've got nuthin' to hide,” he said as he stuck out his hand.


Gathering the bioscans, Choe pointed up the ramp.

"The lounge is for general personnel, until Mykar assigns you a duty station."

Sticking his hand out this time, instead of the scanner,

"The name is Choe. Brandon Choe. Welcome aboard the Shady Lady."

With that Choe turned on his heels and headed back towards engineering and one of the computer terminals on board.

"Time for a long range transmission and validation," Choe said to himself.

Malcom looked at each of the crew as they boarded the ship, looking for any sign of emotion to Mykar's approval of him joining them and then turned to the Dug.

"Thanks Bulraba. Let me know if you hear anything. I owe you."

Bulraba took a step forward, with her leg out to shake Malcom's hand. She never made it another step. A red blaster bolt took her square in her lightly built Dug chest. Snapping his head around, Malcom saw the blast orginated with a cloaked figure on a nearby roof. Choe, standing close by, followed Malcom's gaze and saw the shooter as well. Johk, having already been aware of the figure, crouched down and wished he had his spear with him.
