A long time ago in a galaxy far far way….

Choe's attention was divided between the lady Dug and his personal communications. He made a note to check in with the Dug later and let her know in Dugese before he stepped back into the coolness of the Shady Lady. Up the gang plank down a couple of halls and turned to find his way to engineering and maintenance.

A brief scan of the room showed that there were no listening devices or transmitters and that the droids were elsewhere in the ship. Pulling his transceiver/commlink from his pocket he plugged it into a datapad. Pulling another length of capable he wrapped around the reactor core of the Shady Lady, to act as both a field dampener and an amplifier. Anyone tracing or trying to interpret his communication would only get lots of static and high energy surges and spikes.

Security measures in place. Choe pulled up comms and had everything run through a portable holoprojector unit.

"Choe here. Go ahead, over."

The distortion of multiple relays and encryption don't hide the sound of Crossfire fighter engines wailing in the background.                                                 

"Choe, it's Dahl. I told you I'd keep you posted. The convoy arrived at our destination with no problem. The Rogues and Skulls are flying cover while the supplies are being offloaded to the medical center. Not even a blip on the sensors when we came out of hyperspace. We'll be back at Coruscant in a few days,"

"Dahl, grateful for your safety. Equally glad that another shipment has not gone missing. Currently on Malastare. Send comms when the convoy leaves."

Having sent the coded message, he waited for a few minutes.

Flipping open his personal datapad, he typed a note to himself: [Check on pharmaceutical tags. Personal identifiers and mini RFIs should make it easy to locate when the goods hit the Black market.] Tucking the datapad back in his suit coat pocket, he waited for a confirmation signal from Dahl.

“Received, Choe.  I’ll let you know when we head out.”

The secure connection terminated with a click, and Brandon Choe was alone with his thoughts in the main engineering room of the Shady Lady.


Forks beeped and tootled, his dome spinning to point his main optical sensor up the access tunnel. Mykar kept his eyes on Bulraba, but Lott and Johk turned their eyes to follow the droid’s sensor. Coming down the tunnel was a Human male, about  1.72 meters tall and about 72 kilograms mass. He had a look that made Johk think of some of the lean and muscular predators of his home. Lott thought the man looked like trouble, he had an air of danger about him.

“Malcom!” Bulraba called cheerfully, not turning around and keeping her eyes on Mykar. “Thank you for coming! Mykar, let me introduce you to my friend Malcom Telles. He just got into town a few hours before you, straight from Coruscant as well. I guess it’s a small galaxy after all, no?”

Malcom walked closer to Bulraba, his hand resting on the butt of his weapon.

“Cut the act, Bulraba. Can these people help me find Gurrashka, or not?”

“Oh, I’m sure they can help you find your Wookie friend, can’t you, Mykar?”

Bulraba takes a few moments to explain that Malcom’s friend Gurrashka was kidnapped by pirates while providing security for a ship carrying refugee Mon Calamari children to a new colony in the Outer Rim. Tikkit realizes that the area of space where the refugee ship was hit was the same as where one of the drug shipments was taken: the Malastare to Tattooine run.

Lott listened to the Dug tell Malcom’s story. The Jedi had a vague sense of unease. Something wasn’t right… he just couldn’t put his finger on what.

While the Dug was talking about kidnapped children and Wookiees, Johk’s hunter’s instinct drew his attention to the roof of a building not far away. He saw a figure wearing a dark robe of some kind. It wasn’t much taller than he was, and it seemed to be pointing something toward him and his friends! He couldn’t tell if what the figure was holding was a weapon or not, but whatever it was, it was aimed squarely at Mykar!
